Rename this file to just the version number, for example “1.12.jar”. You should see a file named “minecraft-client.jar”. Step 7: Open the folder named after your Minecraft version inside of the “versions” folder. Copy the folder named after your Minecraft version into the “versions” folder.

Step 6: Create a temporary folder (for example on your desktop) and another folder named “versions” inside of that. For example, if you downloaded Minecraft 1.12, you should see a folder named “1.12”. You should see a folder named after the Minecraft version that you downloaded. Step 5: From here, navigate to libraries > com > mojang > minecraft. You can do this by clicking on Folders > View Central Mods Folder and then going up one level. You can close Minecraft as soon as you get to the main menu. Step 3: Launch this instance once to ensure that the files are downloaded. If you don't remember which version it was, please refer to the table above. Step 2: From the “Vanilla” tab, select the exact Minecraft version that you saw in the error message. Step 1: Open MultiMC and press “Add Instance”. For the sake of simplicity, I will refer to all of these launchers as “MultiMC” in this section. Since PolyMC and Prism Launcher are forks of MultiMC, the steps to fix this error are the same for all of them. This time, it should have no trouble finding the Minecraft version that you just downloaded. Step 6: Now, simply run the Wurst installer again.

Once the download is complete, feel free to close Minecraft and delete your “”. Step 5: You are now downloading Minecraft through the launcher. You now understand the non-existent “risks” and can check that box to get rid of the warning. They do not increase your safety in any way whatsoever.

These so-called “player safety features” are parental controls, which allow your parents to lock you out of the game. Step 4: If you are prompted with a “safety warning”, you can safely ignore that nonsense and just click the “Play” button again. Step 3: Launch your new installation by clicking “Play”. IMPORTANT: Select exactly the same version that is specified in the error message! If you don't remember which version it was, please refer to the table above. Then save the profile by clicking “Create”. Step 2: Now that you are in the “Create new installation” screen, set the “VERSION” field to the exact Minecraft version that you saw in the error message. Step 1: Open the Minecraft launcher, select the “Installations” tab and then press “New”.